# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # © Crown copyright 2008 - Rosie Clarkson, Chris Eveleigh (development@planningportal.gov.uk) for the Planning Portal # # You may re-use the Crown copyright protected material (not including the Royal Arms and other departmental or agency logos) # free of charge in any format. The material must be acknowledged as Crown copyright and the source given. # # # 23/03/2009 Patched by Miguel Tremblay, Environment Canada # Script is now supposed to be functionnal # with french characters in UTF-8 ######################################################## import sys,os,time,tarfile from email.Parser import Parser from xml.dom import minidom import xml.parsers.expat import xml.sax.saxutils as saxutils import htmlentitydefs from HTMLParser import HTMLParser from urllib import quote,unquote from urlparse import urljoin from optparse import OptionParser #add any other links you may want to map between wikis here url_maps = {'http://tikiwiki.org/RFCWiki':'http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Cheatsheet'} #checks for HTML tags class HTMLChecker(HTMLParser): def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): global validate validate = True return True def handle_endtag(self, tag): global validate return True #Mediawiki relies on having the right number of new lines between syntax - for example having two new lines in a list starts a new list. #The elements that do/don't start a new line in HTML can be controlled by the CSS. The CSS used depends on which skin you're using. class HTMLToMwiki(HTMLParser): global wikitext global sourceurl global pages global uploads global headings link = False #if the parser is within a link src = '' innowiki = False inem = False #if the parser is within italics instrong = False #if the parser is within bold inheading = False #if the parser is within a heading list=0 #whether the parser is within an ordered list (is numeric to deal with nested lists) litem=0 #whether the parser is within a list item - in order to deal with

tags in ways that wont break it ul_count=0 #the number of ul tags used for nested lists ol_count=0 #the number of ol tags used for nested lists col_count=0 def handle_starttag(self, tag, attrs): if self.innowiki: completeTag='<'+tag for attr in attrs: completeTag+=' '+attr[0]+'="'+attr[1]+'"' wikitext.append(completeTag+'>') else: if tag == 'nowiki': wikitext.append('') self.innowiki=True if tag == 'a': self.src='' for att in attrs: if att[0] == 'href': self.src = att[1] if self.src in url_maps: self.src=url_maps[self.src] #deals with uploads if 'tiki-download_file.php' in self.src: uploads.append(self.src) self.link=True if tag == 'ol': self.ol_count+=1 self.list+=1 if tag == 'ul': self.ul_count+=1 if tag == 'li': #append the right no. of # or *s according to the level of nesting self.litem+=1 if self.list>0: wikitext.append('\n'+('#'*self.ol_count)) else: wikitext.append('\n'+('*'*self.ul_count)) if tag == 'img': src='' for att in attrs: if att[0] == 'src': src = att[1] src = quote(src) #we have several different ways of specifying image sources in our tiki imagepath = urljoin(sourceurl, src) if options.newImagepath != '': imagepath=urljoin(options.newImagepath, src.split('/')[-1]) # the pic tag is used later to identify this as a picture and process the correct mwiki syntax wikitext.append(''+imagepath+' ') if tag == 'table': wikitext.append('\n{|') for att in attrs: #table formatting wikitext.append(' '+att[0]+'="'+att[1]+'"') if tag == 'tr': wikitext.append('\n|-') self.col_count=0 if tag == 'td': self.col_count+=1 if self.col_count > 1: wikitext.append('\n||') else: wikitext.append('\n|') if tag == 'caption': wikitext.append('\n|+') if tag in ('strong','b'): self.instrong=True wikitext.append("'''") if tag in('em','i'): self.inem=True wikitext.append("''") if tag =='p': #new lines in the middle of lists break the list so we have to use the break tag if self.litem==0: br = '\n' else: br = '
' #newlines in the middle of formatted text break the formatting so we have to end and restart the formatting around the new lines if self.inem==True: br = "''"+br+br+"''" if self.instrong==True: br = "'''"+br+br+"'''" wikitext.append(br) if tag =='h1': self.inheading = True #headings must start on a new line wikitext.append('\n\n==') headings.append(tag) if tag =='h2': self.inheading = True wikitext.append('\n\n===') headings.append(tag) if tag =='h3': self.inheading = True wikitext.append('\n\n====') headings.append(tag) else: wikitext.append('<'+tag+'>') def handle_endtag(self, tag): if tag =='nowiki': wikitext.append('
') self.innowiki=False if not self.innowiki: if self.link==True: self.src='' self.link=False if tag == 'img': wikitext.append('') if tag == 'ol': self.ol_count-=1 self.list-=1 wikitext.append('\n\n') if tag == 'ul': self.ul_count-=1 wikitext.append('\n\n') if tag == 'li': self.litem-=1 if tag == 'table': wikitext.append('\n\n|}') if tag in('strong','b'): self.instrong=False wikitext.append("'''") if tag in('em','i'): self.inem=False wikitext.append("''") if tag =='h1': self.inheading = False wikitext.append('==\n\n') if tag =='h2': self.inheading = False wikitext.append('===\n\n') if tag =='h3': self.inheading = False wikitext.append('====\n\n') if tag =='p': if self.inheading == True: br='' elif self.litem==0: br = '\n' else: br = '
' if self.inem==True: br = " ''"+br+"''" if self.instrong==True: br = " '''"+br+"'''" wikitext.append(br) if tag == 'br': if self.inheading == True: br='' elif self.litem==0: br = '\n' else: br = '
' if self.inem==True: br = " ''"+br+"''" if self.instrong==True: br = " '''"+br+"'''" wikitext.append(br) if tag == 'hr': wikitext.append('\n----\n') else: wikitext.append('') else: wikitext.append('') #check for symbols which are mwiki syntax when at the start of a line def check_append(self,data): stripped = data.lstrip() for symbol in ('----','*','#','{|','==','===','===='): if stripped.startswith(symbol): if len(wikitext) > 2 and wikitext[-3] == '\n': if not symbol.startswith('='): data= ''+symbol+''+stripped[len(symbol):] else: if data.find(symbol,len(symbol)): data= ''+symbol+''+stripped[len(symbol):] return data def handle_data(self,data): if self.link==True: #sometimes spaces are in the piped data (probably because of our editor) so we need to make sure we add that before the link space = '' if data.startswith(' '): space = ' ' if self.src.startswith(sourceurl+'tiki-download_file.php'): wikitext.append(space+'['+self.src+' '+data+']') elif self.src.startswith(sourceurl): if 'page=' in self.src: ptitle = self.src.split('page=') page = ptitle[1].replace('+',' ') for file in pages: #mwiki is case sensitive to page names and tikiwiki isn't so check that the file actually exists if file.lower()==page.lower(): page = file wikitext.append(space+'[['+page+'|'+data+']]') else: #catch relative urls if self.src.startswith('..'): self.src = urljoin(sourceurl, self.src) wikitext.append(space+'['+self.src+' '+data+']') elif self.litem: # if we're in a list put nowiki tags around data begining with * or # so it isnt counted as nesting if data[0] in ('*', '#'): data = ''+data[0]+''+data[1:] wikitext.append(data) else: data = self.check_append(data) wikitext.append(data) def handle_entityref(self,data): data="&"+data+";" if self.link: wikitext.append(' '+data) elif self.litem: wikitext.append(data) else: wikitext.append(data) def handle_charref(self,data): data="&"+data+";" if self.link: wikitext.append(' '+data) elif self.litem: wikitext.append(data) else: wikitext.append(data) def insertImage(word,words): global image global imagenames global imageids global imagepath #there are even more ways to specify pic sources in our tiki if 'name=' in word: parts = word.split('=') try: filename = imagenames[parts[2]] except KeyError: sys.stderr.write(parts[2]+' doesn\'t exist in your image XML file and won\'t be displayed properly\n') filename=parts[2] filename = quote(filename) imagepath = urljoin(urljoin(sourceurl,imageurl), filename) if options.newImagepath != '': imagepath=urljoin(options.newImagepath, filename) words.append(''+imagepath) if 'id=' in word: parts = word.split('=') try: filename = imageids[parts[2]] except KeyError: sys.stderr.write( 'The image with ID '+parts[2]+' doesn\'t exist in your image XML file and won\'t be displayed properly\n') filename=parts[2] filename = quote(filename) imagepath = urljoin(urljoin(sourceurl,imageurl), filename) if options.newImagepath != '': imagepath=urljoin(options.newImagepath, filename) words.append(''+imagepath) if '}' in word: bracket=word.find('}') if word[-1]!='}': if word[bracket+1]!=' ': word=word.replace('}',' ') else: word=word.replace('}','') word=word.replace('}','') words.append(word) image = False return words def insertLink(word): global intLink global page global words global pages first=False #the link may be split if it contains spaces so it may be sent in parts brackets=word.find('((') if brackets != -1: word = word.replace('((','[[') page = word[brackets:] words.append(word[:brackets]) if '))' in word: word = word.replace('))',']]') end=word.find(']]') text = word[brackets+2:end] #again check the filenames to ensure case sensitivity is ok for file in pages: if unicode(file, "Latin-1").lower() \ == text.lower(): text = file text = '[['+text+word[end:] if text[-1]!='\n': words.append(text+' ') else: words.append(text) page = '' intLink=False elif '))' in word: word = word.replace('))',']]') page += ' '+word pipe = page.find('|') if pipe != -1: end=pipe text= page[2:pipe] else: brackets=page.find(']]') end=brackets text= page[2:brackets] for file in pages: if unicode(file, "latin-1").lower()==text.lower(): page=page[:2]+file+page[end:] if page[-1]!='\n': words.append(page+' ') else: words.append(page) page = '' intLink=False else: first=False page += ' '+word parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option("-n", "--notableofcontents", action="store_true", dest="notoc", default=False, help="disable all automatic contents tables") parser.add_option("-m", "--maxfilesize", action="store", type="int", dest="max", default=1, help="the maximum import file size") parser.add_option("-j", "--newimageurl", action="store", type="string", dest="newImagepath", default='', help="the new location of any images (inc. trailing slash)") parser.add_option("-i", "--imageurl", action="store", type="string", dest="imageurl", default='', help="the relative URL used in tiki to access images (inc. trailing slash)") parser.add_option("-p", "--privatepages", action="store", type="string", dest="privatexml", default='', help="an XML file containing any private pages not to be added to the wiki") parser.add_option("-o", "--outputfile", action="store", type="string", dest="outputFile", default='', help="the name of the output wiki XML file(s)") parser.add_option("-k", "--imagexml", action="store", type="string", dest="imagexml", default='', help="an XML file containing metadata for the images in the tiki") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # the tar file containing the tiki file export - if not specified read from stdin #stdin doesn't work at the moment and fails after you've used extractfile as this returns nothing if len(args)>1: archive = tarfile.open(args[1]) #add all files in the export tar to the list of pages pages = archive.getnames() if options.outputFile=='': outputFile= args[1].replace('.tar','.xml') else: outputFile=options.outputFile else: pages=[] #if reading from stdin you can't iterate through the files again so pages is left empty and links are not corrected archive = tarfile.open(name= sys.stdin.name, mode='r|', fileobj=sys.stdin) #if you're reading from stdin and don't specify an output file output to stdout if options.outputFile=='': options.outputFile='-' p = Parser() #multiple files may be created so this is added to the output file string to identify them fileCount=0 #the string to name all outputfiles the fileCount is added to this if options.outputFile=='-': mwikixml=sys.stdout else: mwikixml = open(outputFile[:-4]+str(fileCount)+outputFile[-4:], 'wb') sys.stderr.write('Creating new wiki xml file '+outputFile[:-4]+str(fileCount)+outputFile[-4:]) #the source URL of the tiki - in the form http://[your url]/tiki/ sourceurl = args[0] #the relative address used to access pictures in TikiWiki imageurl = options.imageurl privatePages=[] if options.privatexml !='': privateparse = minidom.parse(options.privatexml) rows=privateparse.getElementsByTagName('row') for row in rows: fields = row.getElementsByTagName('field') for field in fields: if field.getAttribute('name')=='pageName': privatePages.append(field.firstChild.data) #fill the lookup table with the image information #a file containing an xml dump from the tiki DB imagenames={} imageids={} if options.imagexml !='': imagexml = options.imagexml lookup = minidom.parse(imagexml) rows = lookup.getElementsByTagName('row') for row in rows: fields = row.getElementsByTagName('field') for field in fields: if field.getAttribute('name')=='name': iname = field if field.getAttribute('name')=='filename': ifile = field if field.getAttribute('name')=='imageID': iid = field imagenames[iname.firstChild.data] = ifile.firstChild.data imageids[iid.firstChild.data] = ifile.firstChild.data #list of users who have edited pages authors = [] filepages = {} totalSize=0 pagecount = 0 versioncount = 0 #write mediawiki xml file mwikixml.write('\n') for member in archive: if member.name not in privatePages: #add each file in the tiki export directory tikifile = archive.extractfile(member) mimefile = p.parse(tikifile) mwikixml.write('\n') partcount=0 uploads = [] print member.name; if not mimefile.is_multipart(): partcount =1 for part in mimefile.walk(): outputpage='' if partcount == 1: title = unquote(part.get_param('pagename')) outputpage += ''+title+'' partcount+=1 if part.get_params() is not None and \ ('application/x-tikiwiki','') in part.get_params(): versioncount +=1 headings =[] if part.get_param('lastmodified') == None: break outputpage += '\n' outputpage += ''+ \ time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ',time.gmtime(eval(part.get_param('lastmodified'))))+'\n' outputpage += ''+part.get_param('author')+'\n' # add author to list of contributors to be output at the end if part.get_param('author')not in authors: authors.append(part.get_param('author')) outputpage += '\n' mwiki = '' #we add the tiki description to the page in bold and italic (much as it was in tikiwiki) #for them to function properly we need to ensure that these strings are followed by a new line # the
is used as a placeholder and is converted to \n later if part.get_param('description') not in(None,''): mwiki+="'''''"+unquote(part.get_param('description'))+"'''''
" #then add the table of contents (or specify none) if options.notoc: mwiki=mwiki + "__NOTOC__
" else: mwiki+="__TOC__
" mwiki += part.get_payload().decode('utf-8') #does the validator do anything?! validate = False validator = HTMLChecker() validator.feed(mwiki) #fixes pages that end up on a single line (these were probably created by our WYSWYG editor being used on windows and linux) if not validate: mwiki=mwiki.replace('\t', ' ') mwiki=mwiki.replace(' ', '  ') mwiki=mwiki.replace('<', '<') mwiki=mwiki.replace('>', '>') #make sure newlines after headings are preserved next = 0 while '\r\n!' in mwiki[next:] or '</br>!' in mwiki[next:] or mwiki[next:].startswith('!'): if mwiki[next:].startswith('!'): found= next else: foundreturn = mwiki.find('\r\n!', next) foundbreak = mwiki.find('</br>!', next) if (foundreturn != -1 and foundreturn'+mwiki[next+2:] next += 5 #as validate is false the page does not contain any html so whitespace needs to be preserved mwiki=mwiki.replace('\r\n', '
') #double escape < and > entities so that < is not unescaped to < which is then treated as HTML tags #mwiki=mwiki.replace('&', '&amp;') mwiki=mwiki.replace('&lt;', '&amp;lt;') mwiki=mwiki.replace('&gt;', '&amp;gt;') mwiki=mwiki.replace('<', '&lt;') mwiki=mwiki.replace('>', '&gt;') mwiki=mwiki.replace(u'\ufffd', ' ') # unescape XML entities entitydefs = dict( ("&"+k+";", unichr(v)) for k, v in htmlentitydefs.name2codepoint.items() ) entitydefs.pop("&") entitydefs.pop(">") entitydefs.pop("<") mwiki=saxutils.unescape(mwiki, entitydefs) # replace tiki syntax that will be interpreted badly with tiki syntax the parser will understand #empty formatting tags will be converted to many "'"s which then confuses mwiki mwiki = mwiki.replace('[[','~np~[~/np~') #need to replace no wiki tags here in case any html/xml is inside them that we want to keep mwiki=mwiki.replace('~np~', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('~/np~', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('', '') mwiki=mwiki.replace('', '') #this makes sure definitions keep their preceding newline mwiki=mwiki.replace('\n;', '
;') mwiki=mwiki.replace('\n', ' ') mwiki=mwiki.replace('
', '\n') mwiki=mwiki.replace('</br>', '\n') mwiki=mwiki.replace('\r', ' ') mwiki=mwiki.replace('\t', ' ') # convert === underline syntax before the html converter as # headings in mwiki use =s and h3 tags will become ===heading=== next = 0 while '===' in mwiki[next:]: start = mwiki.find('===', next) end = mwiki.find('===', start+3) if end != -1: mwiki = mwiki[:start]+''+mwiki[start+3:end]+''+mwiki[end+3:] next = start +1 #if there is another === convert them both #print mwiki wikitext=[] #convert any HTML tags to mediawiki syntax htmlConverter = HTMLToMwiki() htmlConverter.feed(mwiki) mwiki = ''.join(wikitext) #replace tiki syntax with mwiki mwiki=mwiki.replace('__',"'''") #split the text into lines and then strings to parse words=[] image=False intLink=False box=False colour = False inColourTag=False page = '' centre=False for line in mwiki.splitlines(True): heading = False noCentre = False #if there are an odd no. of ::s don't convert to centered text if line.count('::') % 2 != 0: noCentre =True count =0 spl = line.split(' ') if spl[0].find('!') == 0: heading = True for word in spl: #handle headings if heading is True: if count is 0: #replace !s bangs =0; print word; if word == '!!': word = '==' bangs = 2 elif word == '!': word = '=' bangs = 1 elif word == '!!!': word = '===' bangs = 3 else: while word[bangs]== '!': word=word.replace('!','=',1) bangs+=1 if count is len(spl)-1: #add =s to end end = word.find('\n') if end != -1: word=word[:end]+(bangs*'=')+word[end:] else: word=word[:end]+(bangs*'=') #handle centered text if '::' in word and not noCentre: next=0 while '::' in word[next:]: next = word.find('::') if centre: centre = False word = word.replace('::','',1) else: centre = True word = word.replace('::','

',1) #handle font colours if inColourTag: colon = word.find(':') if colon != -1: word = word[:colon]+'">'+word[colon+1:] inColourTag=False if '~~' in word: next=0 while '~~' in word[next:]: next = word.find('~~') if colour == True: #end span colour = False word = word.replace('~~','',1) else: #start span colour=True colon = word.find(':',next) extratext ='' if colon != -1: word = word[:next]+""+word[colon+1:] else: word = word[:next]+'' else: if format: format = False formatted = formatted+'' formatted +=char word = ''+formatted+'' if word != '': if '\n' in word[-1]: words.append(word) else: words.append(word+' ') count+=1 mwiki = ''.join(words) #get rid of pic placeholder tags mwiki=mwiki.replace("", "") mwiki=mwiki.replace("", "") #make sure there are no single newlines - mediawiki just ignores them. Replace multiple lines with single and then single with double. while "\n\n" in mwiki or "\n \n" in mwiki: mwiki=mwiki.replace("\n\n", "\n") mwiki=mwiki.replace("\n \n", "\n") mwiki=mwiki.replace('\n', '\n\n') #replace multiple lines with single where they would break formatting - such as in a list mwiki=mwiki.replace('\n\n#', '\n#') mwiki=mwiki.replace('\n\n*', '\n*') mwiki=mwiki.replace('*
', '*') mwiki=mwiki.replace('#
', '#') mwiki = mwiki.lstrip('\n') lines=[] for line in mwiki.splitlines(True): if line.startswith(':'): line=':'+line[1:] lines.append(line) mwiki=''.join(lines) entitydefs = dict( (unichr(k), "&"+v+";") for k, v in htmlentitydefs.codepoint2name.items() ) entitydefs.pop('<') entitydefs.pop('>') entitydefs.pop('&') mwiki=saxutils.escape(mwiki, entitydefs) for n in range(len(mwiki)): if mwiki[n]< " " and mwiki[n]!='\n' and mwiki[n]!='\r' and mwiki[n]!='\t': mwiki=mwiki[:n]+"?"+mwiki[n+1:] mwiki=mwiki.replace('amp;lt;','lt;') mwiki=mwiki.replace('amp;gt;','gt;') while " " in mwiki: mwiki=mwiki.replace(" ", " ") mwiki=mwiki.replace('<!--','') # the table of contents will have been seen as bold formatting if len(headings)>=3: mwiki = mwiki.replace("'''TOC'''", '__TOC__') mwiki = mwiki.replace("'''NOTOC'''", '__NOTOC__') else: mwiki = mwiki.replace("'''TOC'''\n\n", '') mwiki = mwiki.replace("'''NOTOC'''\n\n", '') mwiki = mwiki.replace("'''TOC'''\n", '')#if it's before bullets/numbers the second \n will have gone mwiki = mwiki.replace("'''NOTOC'''\n", '') outputpage = unicode(outputpage, "Latin-1") outputpage+=mwiki+'\n' outputpage+='\n' outputpage=outputpage.encode('utf-8') totalSize+=len(outputpage) #mediawiki has a maximum import file size so start a new file after that limit if options.outputFile!='-': if totalSize > options.max*1024*1024: totalSize=len(unicode(outputpage, "Latin-1")) mwikixml.write('') mwikixml.write('') fileCount += 1 mwikixml = open(outputFile[:-4]+str(fileCount)+outputFile[-4:], 'wb') sys.stderr.write('Creating new wiki xml file '+outputFile[:-4]+str(fileCount)+outputFile[-4:]+'\n') mwikixml.write('\n') #if this isn't the first part write page and title mwikixml.write('\n') mwikixml.write(''+title+'') mwikixml.write(outputpage) else: mwikixml.write(outputpage) else: if partcount != 1: if sys.stdout == False: sys.stderr.write(str(part.get_param('pagename'))+' version '+str(part.get_param('version'))+' wasn\'t counted') mwikixml.write('') if uploads != []: filepages[title] = uploads pagecount+=1 mwikixml.write('') sys.stderr.write('\nnumber of pages = '+str(pagecount)+' number of versions = '+str(versioncount)+'\n') sys.stderr.write('with contributions by '+str(authors)+'\n') sys.stderr.write('and file uploads on these pages: '+str(filepages.keys())+'\n')